CE - Minimally Invasive Microsurgery 08/13/09

PART II                                         MINIMALLY INVASIVE MICROSURGERY

Kenneth Abe, D.D.S.
  Thursday     08/13/2009

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm        C.E. Units 3.0
Hilton Garden Inn, 840 East El Camino Real, Mt. View CA 94040

Periodontal Microsurgery utilizes the surgical microscope in performing surgery, but the microscope is not the only thing that differentiates it from traditional surgery. The use of microsurgical instrumentation and microsurgical techniques with an emphasis on precise tissue tailoring, delicate manipulation of the tissues and minimal tissue trauma are an integral part of Microsurgery. Minimal tissue trauma makes healing faster with less discomfort for the patient. This has resulted in the next logical step in surgical therapy, Minimally Invasive Microsurgery.

Minimally invasive microsurgery is comprised of a group of minimally invasive procedures, utilizing the surgical microscope. Tissue trauma is limited by shrinking the surgical field, limiting incisions, and delicately manipulating tissues. Maximizing healing potential is done through the use of atraumatic instruments such as the Piezosurgical saw which cuts bone with virtually no trauma and biological aids such as Platelet Rich Plasma which results in faster soft tissue healing and decreased recovery times. The use of the surgical microscope micro-instrumentation, in performing localized sinus lifts and lateral window sinus lifts, allows for much smaller access incisions resulting in less pt. morbidity. Flapless surgery will be shown where soft tissue grafts are placed without flaps which also avoids the problem of scar tissue lines and results in a much more even transition between the graft and surrounding tissues. Flapless dental implant placement will be shown. Dr. Abe has been placing implants without raising flaps on virtually all patients since 1993.He has been using precision surgical guides with CT guided dental implant placement on virtually all dental implants. He will review the technique and advantages to the patient and restorative dentist.

The use of Risk Analysis Theory to make treatment decisions regarding when to recommend treating or extracting a tooth for implant placement will be reviewed. 



 Pre Gum Graft Recession     Gum Graft 2 wks Post-Op          Pre Split Ridge               Piezo Split Ridge Sutured          1 wk Split Ridge P.O.



Pre Dental Implant Placement              Dental Implant Flalplessly Placed          Dental Implant placed no sutres

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Kenneth A. Abe, D.D.S.
Specialist in Periodontics
Microsurgery, Digital Dental Implantology

Los Altos Periodontist, Dr Kenneth Abe DDS is a professional dedicated to excellence in Periodontics such as Periodontal Disease Diagnosis & Treatment, Scaling & Root Planing (Deep Cleanings), Periodontal Maintenance Cleanings, Pocket Reduction Surgery, Periodontal Antibiotic Treatments, Gingival & Osseous Grafts, Crown Lengthening, Dental Implants & more. Dr. Kenneth Abe in Los Altos, CA looks forward to helping you with your individual Periodontal needs.

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